Degree Verification Policy
U.S. graduates examining for the first time must submit academic documentation that confirms eligibility for admission to the examination. Either of the following is accepted:
- Official Final Transcript
- Degree Verification Form (DVF)
When can the DVF be used?
Each academic program is responsible for determining if the use of the DVF is appropriate for their students. With their program director’s approval, students who will graduate with an associate, baccalaureate, entry level master’s, or entry-level doctoral degree from an ACOTE-accredited occupational therapy program are eligible to have their university/college registrar submit a DVF on their behalf if they have successfully completed all degree and graduation requirements, including occupational therapy education, Level I and Level II Fieldwork, and, for OTD students, the doctoral capstone experience and project.
This form may be submitted by the university/college registrar within six (6) months of the candidate’s anticipated graduation date, and may only be used within the same calendar year as the student’s anticipated graduation date. Upon graduation, students must submit an official final transcript from the university/college that awarded their degree. Please note that the student’s pass/fail status will not be released until NBCOT has received an official final transcript from the university/college from which the student graduated that confirms their DEGREE DATE and DEGREE TITLE.
When should the DVF not be used?
This form is not for use by students who have not completed their degree and graduation requirements or those who are scheduled to graduate in a different calendar year than the current year. In addition, this form should not be used by students who have already received their official final transcript.
What are the steps for submitting the DVF?
This form is not for use by students who have not completed their degree and graduation requirements or those who are scheduled to graduate in a different calendar year than the current year. In addition, this form should not be used by students who have already received their official final transcript.
- Students who have completed all degree and graduation requirements request the DVF after applying for their exam. Once requested the DVF will be forwarded electronically to their program director (PD).
- After reviewing the policy the PD must electronically complete Section 2 of the form. The PD must then save/print and forward the form to the university/college registrar.
- The registrar must confirm that the student has completed all degree and graduation requirements, including all financial requirements, and provide the student’s anticipated graduation date. After completing, signing, and stamping Section 3 of the form with their official stamp or seal (can be electronic), the registrar sends the form to NBCOT via USPS at the address provided or emails the completed form to [email protected]. Please note: If your registrar provides authorization to someone other than their assistant or associate registrar to complete Section 3, it must be sent to NBCOT in writing, via an email directly from the registrar, and the authorized person must be an individual outside of the occupational therapy program. To ensure your program’s DVFs are not delayed, we recommend sending this information prior to sending the form(s) to us. The registrar or authorized individual should also be the person sending the completed form to NBCOT.
- Incomplete forms, or forms in violation of the DV policy, will not be accepted. If any fields are missing, or if the authenticity is in question, NBCOT will return the form to the PD.