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VCVC Renewal

Visa Credential Verification Certificate Renewal

If you have obtained a permanent visa or become a U.S. citizen, you do not have to renew your VCVC, but you must notify NBCOT of your updated immigration status.

To complete the VCVC renewal process, you will need to provide your updated work history and current licensure status.

NBCOT recommends that you submit your renewal application two to three months prior to your VCVC "Valid Through" date. VCVC Renewal Applications are located under “Services and Resources” in your MyNBCOT account.

Review the VCVC Renewal Handbook

Fee: $275USD

Duplicate VCVC Certificate (VCVC)

If you lose your VCVC certificate or you need a new one because your name changed, you can request a duplicate certificate.

Order with the VCVC Duplicate Certificate Request form

Fee: $100USD